Broadcast on: 2 April, 2013

Nina Carrasco, president of the Basel International Speakers Club, talked to Ciaran about public speaking. Most of us dislike public speaking, but the club can give you the necessary tools to gain confidence in your speaking skills. The next Speakers Club meeting is on Wednesday, 10th April, at Gempenstrasse 10 - you're welcome to join.

Broadcast on: 12 March, 2013

Nic OatridgeNic Oatridge talked about the delights of Zermatt this week. Zermatt is right at the head of a valley, surrounded by the highest peaks in Switzerland, and was a quiet farming community until the onset of Alpinism. Now it is a bustling town and the car-free cachet is somewhat undermined by the electric taxis and even police cars, plus of course buses racing to ferry skiers and snowboarders around the resort and its four pisted areas.