James Sievert, Bethany Procopio

Broadcast on: 
27 August, 2013

James Sievert, producer of the award-winning musical RENT, talked to Ciaran about the show which is going to rock Basel in September with seven-part harmonies and a live band. The venue is the Querfeldhalle in Gundeldingerfeld, which - with its exposed-brick architecture and steel tubing - will make real New Yorkers wax nostalgic for home. Check out the show's Facebook page.




Bethany Procopio came into the studio to tell us about a sketch book and figure drawing class in English that she will be teaching at the Basel Art Room. The class will begin next Thursday, the 5th of September from 19:00 to 21:00, and run every Thursday night until the 28th of November. Beginners and experienced drawers welcome!