Basel's venues for music and clubbing!
New to Basel? Wondering where to go and what to do? The English Show has had the (not very) arduous task of scoping out Basel's cultural life – and we've come up with a list of venues which feature live music (from classical to jazz to pop/rock) and club sounds. We've also added some venues further afield – in Zurich, for example.
If your own venue is missing or if you've discovered a new place to go out, let us know! Write to us at info [at]
Live music venues and clubs
Atlantis, Klosterberg 13, 4010 Basel
Bar Rouge, Messeplatz 10, 4058 Basel
Bird's Eye Jazz Club, Kohlenberg 20, 4051 Basel
Carambolage, Erlenstrasse 34, 4058 Basel
Cargobar, St. Johanns-Rheinweg 46, 4056 Basel
Elisabethenkirche, Elisabethenstrasse 10 – 14, 4051 Basel
Gare du Nord, Schwarzwaldallee 200, 4058 Basel
Grand Casino Basel, Flughafenstrasse 225, 4012 Basel
Hallenstadion Zürich, Wallisellenstrasse 45, 8050 Zürich
Restaurant Hirscheneck, Lindenberg 23, 4058 Basel
Kaschemme, Lehenmattstrasse 357, 4052 Basel
Kaserne Basel, Klybeckstrasse 1b, 4057 Basel
Komplex 457, Hohlstrasse 457, 8048 Zürich
Martinskirche Basel, Martinskirchplatz 4, 4051 Basel
MECK, Geissgasse 17, 5070 Frick
Nordstern, Voltastrasse 30, 4056 Basel
Parterre, Klybeckstr. 1b, 4057 Basel
Pianofortino, Gasstrasse 48, 4056 Basel
Restaurant zum alten Zoll, Elsässerstrasse 127, CH-4056 Basel
Sääli im Restaurant Zum Goldenen Fass, Hammerstrasse 108, 4057 Basel
Sommercasino Basel, Münchensteinerstrasse 1, 4052 Basel
St. Jakobshalle, Brüglingerstr. 19-21, 4052 Basel
Sudhaus Basel, Burgweg 7, 4058 Basel
Stadtcasino Basel, Steinenberg 14, 4051 Basel
Volkshaus Basel, Rebgasse 12-14, 4058 Basel
Volkshaus Zürich, Stauffacherstrasse 60, 8004 Zürich
X-TRA, Limmatstrasse 118, 8005 Zürich
Z7, Kraftwerkstrasse 7, 4133 Pratteln