Basel-Stadt Companies Step up on Gender Equality; Attack Leaves Child Dead; Rules To Restrict Apartment Sharing Will Remain; Swiss Rail Half-Fare Card Holders To Get Refunds

News For 26 March 2019

For the first time ever, all 22 state-affiliated companies in the canton of Basel Stadt have fulfilled the legally prescribed gender quota in the workplace. These companies, which include the University of Basel, the Basler KantonalBank, and the Basler Verkehrs-Betriebe (BVB), among others, have stepped up to recognize gender equality and promote the career advancement of women. On Thursday, the Presidential Department released a statement to the public that of the 111 directorships in these companies, 47 are women. Thus, the proportion of women in these committees has increased by 13.6% within the last five years. While Basel-Stadt still has a long way to go, this crucial step should definitely not go unnoticed. Having already been the first canton in Switzerland to introduce a gender ratio for members of the board of directors in a referendum in 2014, it's safe to say that Basel is moving along the right path.


In a horrific unprovoked incident, a seven year old boy was fatally stabbed in Basel by a 75 year old woman last Thursday. The entire community of Basel with support from other cantons came together in an outpouring of sympathy for the family, with several thousand attending a funeral march on Saturday. The victim was a Kosovar citizen and the Kosovan Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli gave the Kosovan consulate the orders to assist the family in any way they can. Visar Rrecaj, the deputy head at the consulate in Zurich visited the family in Basel to deliver the country's condolences. The deputy head stated that the family welcomed him, even through all the grief they were going through. Our thoughts and condolences to the family from Radio X and The English Show Team.


In a surprise ruling a few weeks ago, the federal government declined to change rental rules governing apartment leasing which would have made it easier for people to use online rental platforms like AIRBNB.  Under the current rules, tenants need permission each time they lease a property from a landlord which stands in contrast to the way the on-line platforms efficiently function.  In addition, some cantons, like Geneva, limit AIRBNB stays to 60 days per year.  Though the government's own findings suggested the easing of rules would reduce red tape, opponents of the changes prevailed arguing reduced availability of long-term rentals, and unfair competition to traditional accommodation providers.


A week ago, Swiss Federal Railways announced that all holders of the annual half-fare card will receive a 15 CHF refund.  In response to increased financial performance at the railroad operator, the refund is applicable to card holders as of August 1st of this year.  The refund will be applicable as a credit to subsequent purchases of half-fare cards and even upgrades in travel class.