Anna Kiser - Integrative Health Coach

Anna Kiser, also know as the Alpine Peach, was born and raised in Atlanta, GA,  and is now happy to call Basel, Switzerland her new home. As an integrative health coach, Anna supports and helps people reach their personal health goals. Her motto is “Through nutrition & lifestyle, we hold the power to improve our lives now and 20 years from now".

On today’s show, we talked to Anna about Weight-loss Psychology. “Nearly half (49%) of global respondents in Nielsen’s Global Health & Wellness Survey consider themselves overweight, and a similar percentage (50%) is actively trying to lose weight.”

It's no secret that the most common health goal in our society is weight-loss. Naturally, the markets have jumped on board with diets, tricks and exercise plans claiming to support us on our weight-loss journey. Unfortunately, these influences often lead us to the false belief that weight-loss is merely a happy-go-lucky act of will-power. But weight-loss is much more of a psychological challenge than a physical one. For anyone wanting to shed pounds, identifying the real reason WHY losing weight will improve your life is key!

To find out more, visit Anna's website. Anna is currently accepting new clients. Book an initial consultation to learn about her step-by-step program. And as a Radio X Listener, you'll receive a 15% discount. Visit to schedule your 1st Consultation. Social media: Instagram @thealpinepeach | Facebook @thealpinepeach.