Lorenzo Vitolo With Renato D'Aiello Quartet @ Bandstadt 23 Jazz Concert

Broadcast on: 
20 June, 2023

Lorenzo Vitolo, a pianist living in Basel, will be playing with the Renato D'Aiello Quartet at the Bandstadt 23 Street Music Festival. On July 1st the Quartet will be playing at the Schall & Rauch Bar and at the Flore Bistro throughout the day.


Our musical theme tonight was "Fun Punk" featuring the following tracks:

The Jam - "Start"

Buzzcocks - "I Don't Mind"

Bush Tetras - "Can't Be Funky"

Only Ones - "Another Girl, Another Planet"

The Clash - "Janey Jones"

The Jags - "Back Of My Hand"

Madness - "Baggy Trousers"

B-52s - "52 Girls"

Ramones - "Blitzkrieg Bop"