Semi-Circle Theater Group - Sweet Expectations, Best Sights To See - Basel's City Gates

Broadcast on: 
22 October, 2019

The Semi-Circle is a non-profit theatre group founded in 1975 and based in Basel. The theatre group operates entirely with volunteers. It is their aim to bring to life on stage dramatic works in the English language - and the next one coming up is "Sweet Expectations", an "evening of hopeful short plays". It's an eclectic mix of six short plays written by both local and international playwrights. The club is very happy to be able to present local writing talent: Australian-born Chloe Hannah, who has written for the club before; and a new writer for the Semi-Circle, Roger Bonner. Roger is Swiss but grew up in California. Performances will be at the Theater Arlecchino on the 7, 8, 9 and 14, 15, 16 November 2019. You can buy tickets online at Starticket. Roger Bonner and Semi-Circle president Mike Bray came in to give us the details. Listen to the interview here.


Our Basel tour guide Madeleine Wamister told us about one of the Best Sights To See in Basel: the Spalentor city gate - as well as the other city gates still standing. The original seven gates have shrunk down to three, but all of them are well worth a look in all their medieval splendour. Spalentor in particular is one of the starkest divisions in the city between the inner central, old town and the modern construction on the outside - an easy way to experience both the old and the new with just a few short steps under the gate's peripets. Listen to the segment here.







It is National Make A Dog's Day Day, and to honor our furry friends, the musical theme was appropriately dedicated with the following tracks:

Baha Men - Who Let The Dogs Out

Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

Elvis Presley - Hound Dog

Seasick Steve - You Can't Teach an Old Dogs New Tricks

The Vibes - Black Dogs

Florence & The Machine Dog Days Are Over

Soccer Mommy - Your Dog

Mos Def - Quiet Dog Bite Hard