frontofbicycle art agency, Sue Style

Broadcast on: 
18 March, 2014

Megan Rodgers, Exhibition Coordinator at frontofbicycle art agency, came into the studio to tell us about the agency's mission: it provides the stepping stone for professional and non-professional artists and gives them the opportunity to get their work seen.

There's an Art Exhibition coming up at the Holbeinstrasse 58 from March 28-30, featuring a number of these artists - a chance for you to see some art and buy it, too!


Our food guru Sue Style told us all about spring vegetables. There are many interesting ways to prepare fresh vegetables - why not join one of Sue's workshops to find out how? She also mentioned the markets over in St. Louis and Lörrach - very much recommended for buying delicious veggies! - as well as local markets in Basel.







And we had a special guest in the studio: Daniela Eckert, who was an English Show team member from 2003 to 2007. Thanks for coming in!

Our music theme was connected to Radio X's anti-racism week - we played music by human rights activists from all over the world, including Miriam Makeba, Sam Cooke, Johnny Clegg, Harry Belafonte, Peter Gabriel, Midnight Oil and more!

Swissgerman Words of the Week

It's always useful to know the basic numbers, if only to be able to buy the desired amount of chocolate bars. All together now: Eins (1), Zwei (2), Drei (3), Vier (4), Fünf (5), Sächs (6), Sibe (7), Acht (8), Nüün (9), Zää (10)!