John Picton, Sue Style, Nik Von Frankenberg, COMPETITION - WIN FISH and CHIPS
This week's show is action packed. Find out how to get traditional fish and chips in a traditional English pub The Fish Inn. John Picton, the English pub landlord came in to tell us about why he set up an English pub in Reinach.
Our monthly food guru, Sue Style, came into our Radio X studios to talk about a brilliant wine event in Alsace.
And finally, Ciaran interviewed Nik von Frankenberg about the political parties on the right side of the spectrum in Switzerland.
Win one of 3 prizes we have from the good people at The Fish Inn. A tasty meal of fish and chips plus two pints of ale to wash it down.
How to win.. Like fish and chips? Send us an email with your name and address AND tell us why you like fish and chips! Send us your entry by email to:
Winners drawn on our next show, Tuesday May 21, 2013. GOOD LUCK
The English Show Team: Kiwi Jon, Ciaran, Anna, Joel "The Voice", Jen, Stephanie, Andrew, Jake.