Time To Slow Down; Man Recovers From Dangerous Fall; Oprah's Swiss Specs

News For 16 March 2021

A speed limit of 30km is to be introduced on Feldbergstrasse in Basel pending no appeals. The aim of this measure is to improve the quality of life for residents along this busy main traffic axis in Kleinbasel. By reducing the top speed from 50 km / h to 30 km / h, the authorities promise "better air and less noise”. The nitrogen oxide pollution alone should be reduced by ten percent through the speed reduction. According to the BVD, Feldbergstrasse is one of the busiest urban roads in Switzerland with 12,000 to 13,000 vehicles every day. Proposed implementations will begin to be enforced this summer.


On Friday night, at the Auberg in Basel, a 21-year old fell from a covered, elevated passageway connecting two buildings, leaving him critically injured. The man had, according to the public prosecutor, climbed up to the roof of the walkway and then suddenly fell. A passer-by called the ambulance to the no longer responsive man, the paramedics arrived shortly after and resuscitated the man.


Oprah Winfrey's oversized royal interview glasses have sparked a Swiss frenzy. Swiss spectacles manufacturer Gotti have said they are inundated with demand for the oversized glasses worn by Oprah Winfrey for her TV interview with Prince Harry and his wife Meghan. The frames worn by Winfrey were designed by Gotti himself especially for the US television legend after meeting her via his favourite opticians in Washington. The small Zurich-based brand, which makes high-end frames said they were “a little surprised” by the surge in interest following the US talk show queen’s bombshell sit-down with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Watched by at least 50 million people in the United States, Britain and around the world, the interview saw the couple, who have quit for a new life in Meghan’s native California, make damaging allegations against Harry’s family, the inner workings of the British monarchy and the UK tabloid press. Gotti’s 30-strong team will now have to work flat out to meet demand.