Test Fountain At SBB; Lost Bird In Coop; Basel Study on Long Term Pandemic Health Issues Released

News For 27 April 2021

Responding to customer survey results, the SBB train station in Basel has installed a public water fountain on the platform servicing tracks 11 and 12.  Although the public fountain concept is not new, the existing facilities are not easy to find at most of Switzerland's train stations, including Basel.  Dubbed the "fountain of youth" the pilot program is meant to test the ideal locations for the fountains in anticipation of wider roll-out across the train network.


A sparrowhawk visited a Coop in Arlesheim on Tuesday. The bird of prey got lost in the shop and then flew several times against the window panes while trying to escape. The store staff had to secure the bird of prey by capturing it inside one of the shopping baskets. The sparrowhawk was then handed to a volunteer animal rights activist who took the sparrowhawk into her care overnight.The Head of Communication for Coop, said “they suspect the bird was attracted to the fresh produce in the store”. After a night of rest and care, the bird was allowed to go back safely into the wild to continue with its grocery shopping.


Basel Land and Basel Stadt commissioned a study by the Swiss Tropical Health Institute in Basel to evaluate the long term impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on health and well-being in the Basel region.  The results of the study, which surveyed over 10,000 inhabitants have now been released.  Approximately 80% of those surveyed report acceptance of the measures authorities have imposed to contain the spread of the virus - measures like mandatory face-mask use, social distancing and reduced services by vendors.  And while participants also reported having positive outcomes like improved family time and advancing personal hobbies, many were also negatively impacted.  In particular, those living on reduced incomes - workers relying on employers who need to be open to the public - were also most affected by increased rates of depression and other mental health issues.  In addition, rates of alcohol addiction, in particular, seems to have doubled from 5 to 10 percent among the population of people over 50.