ETH Predicts Consumption Boom; Family Attacked In Basel; Import Duty Kerfuffle

News For 1 June 2021

In the wake of the receding tide of Covid 19-related quarantine rules and regulations, economists from Switzerland's ETH University are predicting a boom in demand for consumer services.  Specifically, hard hit sectors in Gastronomy and Catering are expected to benefit from a return by consumers to restaurants, outdoor dining terraces and bars. National Councilor, brewer and Gastro-Suisse member Alois Gmür was quoted in the press saying he expects activity at these establishments to recover to 2019 levels rapidly. Private consumption will increase by three percentage points in 2021 and by as much as 5.7 percentage points in 2022 according to Jan-Egbert Sturm.


A young family from Basel were attacked last Wednesday whilst walking down Bruderholzstrasse on their way home. The perpetrators who were armed, set upon the family, which resulted in the 25-year-old father being stabbed. The injured man was taken to hospital where he was treated for minor injuries, whilst the remainder of the family were treated for shock. The attackers immediately fled the scene, and so far no arrests have been made. Basel Police are appealing to members of the public to come forward with any information which could assist their investigations.


The Federal Customs Administration has issued new guidelines on import duties, which have put it at odds with Canton Basel-Stadt. It seems a new interpretation of customs rules would enforce the assessment of duties on the importation of agricultural products (like asparagus,potatoes and other vegetables). Basel-Stadt, meanwhile, is not pleased, as many of its constituents are commercial customers of German and French farmers who would raise prices on their end products once duties were imposed. Basel District President Beat Jans has personally written to Federal Finance Minister Ueli Maurer to reconsider, as the existing rules have not changed, and therefore should not be enforced to the detriment of the canton and its citizens.