Chimp Murder Mystery At Basel Zoo; Fountain Spas Return; White Deer Spotted In Basel

News For 17 December 2019

A 30-year-old male chimpanzee named Tatu, a newcomer to the Basel Zoo, died on Tuesday. Although no cause of death has been determined, apparently the chimp was involved in an altercation with the other inhabitants of its enclosure a few weeks ago. Previously, Tatu had been bitten, but according to zoo keepers the chimps appeared to be living harmoniously since the incident.


We all love the fountains all over Basel, especially in the summertime, but it seems that some people like the idea of swimming in winter too - on Wednesday evening at 4 degrees centigrade, a group of people were seen happily splashing around in the village fountain of Riehen in the rain. What’s the story behind it? Well, it seems that members of the Pro Fontaines Chaudes, who are responsible for heating the fountains, have started a bathing ritual for heating fountains. Whether you want to see it as an art or a relaxation is up to you; they say the important thing is to heat the water with a self-made contraption, like a wooden stove. This one was first built in the year 2017 and heats up the water to 39 degrees. A pump takes the water out of the fountain, heats it up and jets it back in. The pump is powered by a bicycle and it takes sixteen hours to build it up and until the water is pleasant. It takes about nine people per fountain and you can even do an apprenticeship as a fountain heater; if you’re interested, the contact information is on their website. Some people travel from Bern to experience this hot tub sensation in the middle of the village, so it might well be a job with a prospect!


Just in time for Christmas: a deer that is supposed to be white as snow is apparently living in Langen Erlen forest. People first mentioned it on Facebook, asking if it had been spotted by anyone else. However, there weren’t any pictures to back up the claim, and not even the wardens could say they’d spotted it. It seems that it is a German deer, as a photographer first saw it near his house along the German border. The photographer was sure it must be the same one, as it’s not often one sees a deer as white as snow hopping around, so he was sure it was a Grenzgänger (a commuter) without a permit, he said jokingly. We're sure the authorities will turn a blind eye.