Kateryna Debkaliuk from Galerie Sechs joined us to talk about the upcoming art exhibition «Awakening – A Celebration of Renewal». Just in time for Fasnacht and the start of spring, the photo exhibit focuses on the theme of renewal, whether that's in nature, in spirit, in your personal life, or in culture at large.
Modern technology has transformed our everyday lives in ways that we couldn't possibly have foreseen twenty years ago. Whether you see it as a blight or a blessing, the selfie stick is one of those gadgets that is here to...
Our "Queen of Green" Carrie Aikman came in to talk about living sustainably - and how to do it. She told us about the first of a 12-step month-by-month 'adopt a green habit' challenge. She designated “...
We had singer and guitarist David Blum of Don't Kill The Beast on the show! Originally a solo project, David turned Don't Kill The Beast into a four-man band...
Phoenix is one of the most successful bands to come out of France, together with contemporaries Daft Punk and Air. They broke through internationally with Wolfgang...
Ketty Bertossi studied photography at the Centre d'enseignement professionel de Vevey. She is a freelance photographer who specialises in portraiture, among other things...
Lucian Hunziker regularly photographs individuals and fashion for magazines and newspapers and works on commercial and artistic projects. He told us about the portraits...
Diana Ananda Staudenmann is a WBA (Wirbelsäulen-Basis-Ausgleich: Spinal Basis Balance in English) therapist and owner of the practice "ananda - holistic...
Ian Ellery, The English Show's contributing Gadget Guru, gives us gift-giving advice in a nod to the holiday season. Among his reviews are a retro Polaroid instant camera, a voice-recording ring, and...