Simone Aida Baur - Hurricane Relief Event - November 2017

In the studio tonight was Simone Aïda Baur of Global Inspirations Design who has organized a Rum & Reggae for Hurricane Relief event. This charity event is going to help the communities of the British Virgin Islands whose infrastructure was devastated by a series of hurricanes a few months ago. Simone has a very special connection to the region, having lived there for 8 years. Coming up on Saturday, 2 December 2017, the event features rum tasting, rum cocktails, Caribbean food and of course awesome Caribbean music. The highlight of the fundraising will be the silent auction featuring a line-up of items valued in excess of 15'000 francs! The event starts early in the evening at 19:00 at Launchlabs in Gundeldingerfeld and runs until midnight, so you can stop by to show your support even if you already have plans. When buying tickets use promo code RadioX10 when purchasing tickets to save CHF 10.-.