Savoyards Productions & The Gilbert & Sullivan Society

Beverley Worboys (Artistic Director) and Stephan Arthur (President) of The Gilbert & Sullivan society and Savoyards Productions joined us in the studio tonight.  Savoyards Productions is a new production company bringing professional English speaking performances inspired by Gilbert & Sullivan to Basel. Starting Saturday and Sunday (October 19, 20) their first production, "Hiding in Plain Sight: Singers, Suffragettes, and Spies of the First World War" a musical lecture will take place at The Safe Theater (under Unternehmen Mitte).  Featuring talks by Professor Viv Newman and interspersed with dramatic and musical interludes inspired by the contemporaries of Gilbert & Sullivan. For tickets email, hurry because tickets are almost sold out. On November 22nd, Savoyards Productions will present "Closer Still With Closer", and extraordinary line-up of three of the UK's finest and most versatile vocal talents. closer’s exquisitely unique harmonies, vocal prowess and distinctive interpretations that transcend both generations and genres, combine to make a dazzlingly sophisticated sound that continues to move and excite audiences all around the world, from London’s West End to Europe and beyond.  The production is coming to Basel straight from Lodon's West End where they had just launched their new season's program at the Crazy Coqs Cabaret.