Natashia Collier - Non-Economic Migrant Ethnographic Study - March 2021

We've heard of "Trailing Spouses" and "Third Culture Kids" on our programme. Our guest Natashia Collier is, more generally, studying people who have migrated to our region without a job as their primary motivator, but as a "trailing spouse or partner". Her "Non-Economic Migrant Ethnography" study, which is part of her Master's Degree programme at the University of Basel, seeks to understand the needs of this demographic. Natashia has undertaken a confidential survey with those people whose primary reason for being here is not specifically related to their job or income. Instead of having to rely on personal anectdotes, social media and happenstance, Natashia's efforts will improve the government- and community-based social services available to these expatriates. Contact her directly to participate in this important (and confidential) survey by emailing: Listen to the interview below for details.