The Basel Health & Wellness Coalition - January 2019

The Basel Health and Wellness Coalition was set up by Shirley Hiscock for Swiss and international therapists and health practitioners in the Basel area. The aim is to spotlight different therapies, so you are better able to make informed choices about your healthcare. The therapists actively work together to enable an informed referral system, so that you receive the treatment that is best suited to you. Martin Daubney of Inspire Coaching and hypnotherapist Carol Daubney came in to talk about the coalition as well as a Body & Mind Event on Saturday, 19 January 2019, at Centrepoint. The event showcases just a small sample of the therapists in the coalition. Doors open at 13:45 and for a nominal entrance fee of just CHF 10 people can get to meet the therapists and attend one or all of the 8 talks throughout the afternoon. There is no need to book in advance.