Attorney Irene Karoussos talks about Employment Termination - February 2019

Attorney Irene Karoussos joined us to talk about a difficult subject, especially for expats living and working in a foreign country: employment termination. Irene has her own private practice based in Basel, one of her specialities is Labor Law. What are employer obligations and employee rights during a termination? Can you be terminated without cause? What kind of recourse do you have if you've been notified of a termination proceeding? What are your compensation rights? When is a termination "abusive" and how should one respond? Is it better to quit or wait if you expect to be terminated? Irene helped us consider the answers to all of these subjects in addition to confronting how you might feel. 

A quick disclaimer: Always consult your own counsel when addressing legal matters especially those relating to employment.  If you would like to contact Irene, find her website here.