Hypermusic Prologue at Gare du Nord

Event Dates: 
16 October, 2013 - 20:00 - 18 October, 2013 - 20:00

Berlin-based Zafraan Ensemble presents the scenic world premiere of the chamber opera „Hypermusic Prologue – A projective opera in seven planes“ by Hèctor Parra und Lisa Randall at the Gare du Nord in Basel.

Inspired by the bestseller „Warped Passages“, Hèctor Parra wrote a chamber opera together with Harvard physicist Lisa Randall. The work deals with hidden universes, the existential urge to research as well as our boundaries of understanding and interdependencies in the so-called real world.

The central figure is a scientist, torn between her love for her partner and her passion for theoretical physics. In the course of the opera, she finds herself immersed in the fifth dimension, while her partner remains tied to normal space-time. Hèctor Parra found a sensual and energetic musical language for this material, enabling the listener to experience the complex hyper reality both emotionally and intellectually through the use of psycho-acoustic effects.

A top-notch cast has been engaged, including Johanna Greulich (soprano) and Robert Koller (baritone). The eight musicians of the Zafraan Ensemble will be conducted by Manuel Nawri, while the complex live electronics designed at IRCAM by Thomas Goepfer will be controlled by Wolfgang Heiniger.

When: 16, 17, 18 October 2013, 20:00

Where: Gare du Nord, Schwarzwaldallee 200, 4058 Basel

Tickets are CHF 20.- / 25.- / 35.-